Living can be simple, but it isn't always. I arrived in General Cepeda on the 16th and I've spent the past two weeks getting adjusted to life here. I am very happy to return to the place where I fell in love with missions, but it is totally different being here without twenty other people and not knowing when I am going to be returning to the states. It is a different feeling knowing this is my home. Missions is rapidly becoming a reality for me; don't worry, it's a good thing!
I am enjoying the simplicity of life here. I enjoy that there is no instant gratification like there is in the United States. I love that I am being forced to take life slower and really enjoy the time that I have. Things that are really different are doing laundry, as you can see in my picture above, getting around town, and grocery shopping. I must admit that I like my new way of doing laundry, and most days I like my new way of getting around town (walking), but grocery shopping is not my favorite! I am used to going to the store once every two weeks or so and buying a bulk of what I will need. I don't do that here, because everything is so fresh, and needs to be used quickly. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying how fresh the food is here, it will just take some time to get used to.
Spending Holy Week here has been beautiful to experience. Mexicans really know how to have fun! At the beginning of the week Erika, the Baquets, and I went to a few different ranchos to finish up Eric's classes he began last year. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we went to two ranchos a day (the same ranchos each day) to put on communion services. On Thursday afternoon the whole town gathered near our house for the pole climbing event. A pole that had been greased was secured in the ground close to our house and at the top was a piece of paper with $1000 written on it. Whoever could climb to the top and grab the paper would receive $1000 pesos. Each contestant had five minutes to try. We watched over and over again men trying with all of their might and sliding down the pole not reaching their goal. Finally when no one could climb to the top, two men were allowed to work together. It didn't take long after that for someone to win. As I watched this event I thought,"Surely it cannot be that difficult!". The next day I tried to climb the pole...and this was the result:
On Friday Erika and I participated in a silent procession. It was beautiful to be able to mourn the death of Our Savior with so many other brothers and sisters in Christ. The procession went on for about an hour and consisted of people carrying Jesus' body, Our Lady of Sorrows, and a few people in the front walking with chains on their feet. One of the people with chains on their feet walked around without shoes. It was beautiful to see someone willing to suffer for the Lord, in memory of His death. On Saturday night we attending the vigil mass at 9:00 pm. It was beautiful to see the entire church being lit up by the light of our candles.
Returning to the ministries that are already in place in General, it makes me realize how much God is needed in this place. Our door ministry is one of the places where I feel a little discouraged because a lot of the people that come to the door think that once we pray with them, they no longer have to pray for themselves. We are trying to figure out ways to make sure the people know how important it is for them to have a faith of their own, and to pray on their own, while continuing to pray with them and read to them from the Bible. It is also hard when someone comes to the door and is really in need and we don't have the resources to help them. Most importantly, we can always share God with them, it is just difficult to watch them walk away knowing that they are hungry and have nothing to eat or in pain but without medicine. Returning to General has helped to put things in my life back in order, helping me to realize what is truly important.
I'm going to finish this blog up by asking you for prayers. Please be praying for my time in General. Please pray for peace in Mexico. Please pray for the protection of my mission team from the violence in surrounding cities. Please pray for the young woman's ministry we want to get started here and lastly please pray that my mission partner and I will continue to have good health. God Bless!
"If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, 'Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,' but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:15-17